| NEWS |
11/10/14: A new paper published in Behavioral Processes on the multimodal sensory performance during homing in an amblypygyd from Costa Rica. Part of the research was done while I was a student in the field course Ecology & Evolution of Arachnids, by the Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS) in La Selva Biological Station, early this year. Access to the paper here.
10/27/14: I am preparing a talk for this week's seminar of the UC Berkeley Essig Mussuem of Entomology. Come this Friday (10-31) at 10am to the "fish bowl" in the first floor of the Valley Life Sciences Building if you want to hear spider behavior nonesense. The talk is entittled: "Plasticity in predatory behaviors of spiders: from Spitting to Wrapping". Coffee and bagels provided! 10/21/14: New paper published in Arachnology, with former classmate Marianela Masís-Calvo. It will be available online soon, but you can ask me for a reprint. Escalante, I. & M. Masís-Calvo. 2014. The absence of gumfoot threads in webs of early juveniles and males of Physocyclus globosus (Pholcidae) is not associated with spigot morphology. Arachnology 16: 214-218. 09/29/14: Personal research website just launched! This is my first time building a webpage, so (as a disclaimer), please bear with my no-so-flashy website skills. |